Trade Journal Publications
E.G. Eddings, “Combustion,” Ch. 17, Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook, 4th Edition, Volume 4: Energy and Power, M. Kutz (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2015.
K.J. Whitty, H.R. Zhang and E.G. Eddings, “Pollutant Formation and Control,” Ch. 6 in Synthesis Gas Combustion, eds. T. Lieuwen, V. Yang, R. Yetter, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis (2009).
H.R. Zhang, E.G. Eddings, A.F. Sarofim, C.L. Mayne, Z. Yang and R.J. Pugmire “Selection of Surrogates for Jet Fuels,” in Combustion Generated Fine Carbonaceous Particles, eds. H. Bockhorn, A. D’Anna, A.F. Sarofim, H. Wang, KIT Scientific Publishing (ISBN 978-3-86644-441-6), 2009.
J.P. Spinti, J.N. Thornock, E.G. Eddings, P.J. Smith and A.F. Sarofim, “Heat Transfer to Objects in Pool Fires,” in Transport Phenomena in Fires, ed. by M. Faghri and B. Senden, Series: Developments in Heat Transfer, Vol. 20, WIT Press, Southampton, U.K., 2008.
E.G. Eddings, “Combustion,” Ch. 16, Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook, 3rd Edition, Book 4: Energy and Power, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2006.
E.G. Eddings, P.J. Smith, M.P. Heap, D.W. Pershing, and A.F. Sarofim, “The Use of Models to Predict the Effect of Fuel Switching on NOx Emissions”, in Coal Blending and Switching of Western Low-Sulfur Coals, R.W. Bryers and N.S. Harding (Eds.), ASME, New York, pp. 169-184 (1994).
P.J. Smith, E.G. Eddings, B.R. Adams and M.P. Heap, “Application of Combustion Computations to Industrial Problems”, in Coal Blending and Switching of Western Low-Sulfur Coals, R.W. Bryers and N.S. Harding (Eds.), ASME, New York, pp. 441-452 (1994).
E.G. Eddings and J.S. Lighty, “Fundamental Studies of Metal Behavior During Solids Incineration”, in Incineration of Hazardous Waste 2: Toxic Combustion By-Products, ed. by W.R. Seeker and C.P. Koshland, Taylor & Francis, pp. 375-390 (1994).